Saturday, June 28, 2008

Velogirls Bike Skills Clinic - June 28, 2008

Today I participated in a 4 hour racing skills and tactics clinic put on by Lorri Lee Lown of Velogirls. There were 11 women (women only clinic) ages ranging 15 - 58. It was held in Rdwood City near the Bay in a business park. We were all Cat 4s, most of us with some limited road race and/or crits experience. We did some group riding skills and drills (holding a wheel, stealing a wheel (which involved some close contact and gentle bumping), threading the needle). One of the drills involved snatching a dollar bill from the bottom of a rider's shorts and I can't believe I won that drill. Next we worked on tactical drills -sprinting and lead outs. It took a while for us to execute the lead out but we at least got the concept. We were divided into teams for a training crit and each team had to develop a strategy. Given that I am a time trialist and a strong rider, our strategy was that my teammates would help me and then I would go out with 3 laps to go. I got a little impatient and broke away early - I felt strong and comfortable out front. Two sprinters got me at the finish line but it was alot of fun. The clinic was a nice supplement to my Russian training. A supportive and competitive group!

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