Monday, June 30, 2008

MEA's Dunlap Memorial Time Trial Report - June 1, 2008

Category: W 3/4

Place: 8 (50:01) out of a field of 23

The Dunlap TT was moved to a new course this year – flat 31k loop with 6 turns (L-R-R-R- L-R). Law enforcement monitored the first turn and a 10-second penalty imposed for crossing lanes. I had a good warm up on the trainer and it was great to see so many Webcor folks. This was my second TT on my TT bike, following Beat the Clock the previous week. The W 3/4s followed the W Pro 1/2s with a 2 minute gap in between. I was first out in the W 3/4s at 11:44 AM with 30 second start times thereon. Since I had no rabbit to chase, one of my goals was simply don't get passed. Although the winds were beginning to pick up, I opted to stay with the disk. I had a smooth start. I was pretty conservative on the turns and got out of the aerobars for better control. There were significant headwinds on the longest 5.5 mile stretch. After the next right turn, we had the cross winds to deal with. I got thrown a bit by a big gust. Finally, some tail winds – speed picks up but it seems the tail winds never compensate for the head winds. I was able to approach my max heart rate at the end, so I think I executed my strategy fairly well – and could have pushed harder during the race. No one passed me and I finished in 50:01, good enough for 8th place.

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