Monday, June 30, 2008

Tandem Mixed 110+ - District Time Trial Championship - June 8, 2008

After competing in the 20K Women 55-59 time trial, 2 hours later, Rich and I competed in the 40K 110+ mixed tandem category. The air was warming up and my lungs were feeling better. My legs felt pretty good although I am sure that the 20K took something out of them. Some of the registered teams didn't show, so it was Laura Lindgren (national TT record holder in the 20K W 55-59) and her husband Allan. We were lined up at the start line and then "bang!" - sounded like a big gun shot. Our rear tire had blown - apparently the air expanded as the temperatures warmed. I was in disbelief. We did a very fast tire change with the help of some great folks and we were able to start with a new start time. So at this point we were the last team out and no one in range to chase. (We did pass one unfortunate couple who was walking their tandem - an apparent mechanical). We worked hard together and RFA did a great job. We finished in 1:02 which was 4 minutes faster than last year's time. We got together with Laura and Allen afterwards for lunch and coffee in Truckee. Great time, great competition and great company.

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