Tuesday, June 24, 2008

MEA's Beat the Clock Time Trial Report - Sat. June 21, 2008

I wasn't planning on doing this time trial because I was doing the Mount Diablo Hill Climb Time Trial the following day (June 22) and I wanted to have "fresh" legs for that climbing event. I was also traveling (to Washington DC for a conference) and wouldn't get back until late Friday night. But my coach gave me the "green light (it's only 10 miles) and I needed to "open up the legs" after all that sitting on the plane. And I really wanted to do another event on my new TT bike. One more reason - Rich was also doing it. So up bright and early at 5:30 AM, warmed up on the trainer and ready to go at my 7:34 start time. The weather was perfect - warm dry air and no wind. I was hoping to do under 27 minutes (previous time the end of May on this course was 27:11). I was the first woman out with no one to chase. I got up to anaerobic threshold and was feeling good. Good turnaround and pushed hard on the hills on the way back. No one passed me. I finished with a time of 26:30 - a new PR! I was thrilled and felt somewhat vindicated because I beat the woman who beat me at the Sattley district time trial championships two weeks earlier by 56 seconds. The winning woman was Christine Thorburn with a time of 22:01 - she is a pro on the Webcor Builders women's pro team. Rich also had a PR with a time of 27:54. In the afternoon, we went to Equinox for a steam, weight workout (back and chest), sit ups and stretching and foam roller work out. Then off to the Hellyer Velodrome for a Webcor party and watch the track racing.

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