Sunday, July 20, 2008

Russian Training Ride - Sunday, July 20, 2008

RFA and I met the group at 9 AM at Canada/92. It was windy, misty and chilly - temp in the 50's. Dmitrij is in Belarus so Vlad drove the support van. By the time we got to Edgewood, the sun was out and we shed our leg warmers, arm warmers, headband and vest. We rode up 84 and continued out 84 to San Gregorio. I had a good climb up 84; regroup and put on the outwear for the descent - back into the chilly mist. Good paceline to San Gregorio - hard paceline switching every 20 seconds on the way back up 84. The winds on Canada were 20 mph+ - icing on the cake after a hard ride. Stats: 55 miles, average speed 16.9 mph; 4782 feet climbing. Quick shower, slipped into the Skins, lunch, nap and off to Equinox for a steam, shower, stretching and foam rollers. Legs ache a bit and little stiff - but a great weekend.

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