Monday, July 7, 2008

Bike Forum Coastal Tandem Ride - July 6, 2008

There was not a Five Rings training ride this weekend because both Dmitrij and Vladimir are in Belarus for holiday. So I agreed to do the what was billed as the Bike Forum tandem and wheelsucker ride on our tandem. And our good tandem friends were also doing it . . . . There were about 40 people and two different routes - easy and hard. We did the 70 mile "Wild Ride" which included two other strong tandem teams. We started in Half Moon Bay at 9:30 AM and the weather was foggy and chilly (no surprise). We started out Highway 1 with a tailwind at a blistering pace. RFA and I would have preferred some warmup. By the time we reached the big climb up Haskin's Hill it was quite hot. We climb Haskin's in the opposite direction on the singles - today was tough since alot of energy had already been spent. We stopped in Pescadero for a rest stop/bio break/refueling. We faced a strong headwind on the way back kept a strong paceline. Here are the Wild Ride stats from my Garmin corrected by Ascent software.66.5 miles, 17.9 average mph (the timer was running at one regroup such that average speed is understated) and climbing 4336 feet. The average speed per our tandem friend's computer was 18.3 mph.

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