Saturday, March 21, 2009

RFA Madera Stage Race Report March 14-15, 2009

Madera Stage Race Report, March 14-15, 2009
Category: Cat 5
GC Place: 28
Field: 45
This was my first stage race and first criterium. I rode in the male Cat 5s. The crit was okay but at times seemed a little dicey. There was a bad crash about two bikes to my right that took a few riders down on the home stretch right before the final lap. One guy was unconscious but revived and was taken away in an ambulance.In the TT, I finished mid pack with a 27:14. After all the talk about missing turns on the course, I memorized the map. However, I still slowed down at the first road 26. Something happens in a race where your racing IQ goes down as the power goes up. Otherwise, it was uneventful but very windy.I was not sure how I would feel for the road race on Sunday. As it turned out, I felt great and the road race was the most fun of the three events. I had heard about the rough section of road. And it lived up to the hype. Lots of water bottles falling off the bikes as well as mechanicals and flats. My Cervelo R3 got to live up to it reputation and provided a good ride on that section of road.It was a great experience and I would do it again.

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