Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Coastal Training Ride - March 8, 2009

Today was a ride to the coast with my friend and Webcor teammate Pam. We lost an hour of sleep (daylight savings time - spring forward) and were still feeling the effects of yesterday's Berkeley Team Time Trial - at least it was a level playing field. We met at 9 AM at Canada/Edgewood. Chilly, partly cloudy but the forecast called for sunny and low 60s. After climbing up Old La Honda, we hammered out to San Gregorio in a fast pace line - lots of fun. Before starting the climb up Tunitas Creek, we stopped at the Biek Hut. My first visit - what an awesome concept. Read about it at

I only hope that the vagrants don't trash it. I felt low on energy climbing Tunitas and lagged a few feet behind Pam and RFA - then I found my "happy thought' - captured "Queen of the Mountain" and pushed hard the remainder of the climb. Great ride!

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