Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Post-crash Update

It has been a while since I posted on my blog! On May 17, 2009, I had a serious crash on my track bike while racing at the Hellyer velodrome in a women's scratch race. I was very, very lucky and have no permanent brain injury. I have been in recovery mode and was back on the road cycling 3 weeks later. Yesterday I went back to the track for the first time since the crash with RFA and my coach Dmitriy for an advanced session. The state track championships are at Hellyer in less than 2 weeks and I would like to participate. I did some practice 2K pursuits and my time is about 10% slower. Part of that is lack of endurance at fast pace, still trying to get my hemoglobin back up, and final recovery from a 4 week chest cold. And, of course, yesterday was not a championship event. Dmitriy was encouraging and I will stay focused and positive!

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