Sunday, November 9, 2008

Velodrome Clinic - November 8, 2008

Last Saturday, RFA and I planned on going to the clinic at Hellyer Velodrome (San Jose, CA) but got rained out. The forecast for this Saturday went from good to bad to hopeful - partly cloudy in the morning with rain moving in for the afternoon, and the weather cooperated for a morning at the track. I was really excited and looking forward to riding my my new Cervelo P3C track bike and working on my track skills. I subsequently adjusted my Cervelo P3C track bike after this photo was taken so that it now meets the UCI requirements - changed out the saddle and moved it back so that the nose of the saddle is now at least 5 cm behind a vertical line drawn up through the center of the carnk axle. RFA ordered a Planet X carbon track bike from the UK, but due to an ordering snafu (they shipped a TT bike instead), he didn't receive it yet and had to rent a bike at the track. Our friends Mark McC, Pam and Kris were there. This clinic was lead by none other than Shelley Olds who just had a good finish in the Manchester World's Cup. I was surprised that she is so tiny! We started out with a 40 lap warmup, followed by a series of drills, including some individual 200 meter flying starts, team pursuit, a bumping exercise and an Australian pursuit. Today's new experience was hanging on the rail as a starting position - a little unnerving at first. Pam had some carbon knuckle cycling gloves - may have to get a pair!! They look gnarly. For the Australian pursuit, we each lined up on the rail separated by a light post. On the whistle, we dropped down to the poll lane and if you got passed you are out. It was down to 4 people and then I got passed by a guy. Boo! The clinic a couple weeks ago was led by our Webcor teammate Mark R. who just returned from the World's Masters Track Championships in Sydney, Australia with another gold medal (this one in a scratch race). Mark selected Pam, RFA and myself to demo a team pursuit with him. It was totally cool and totally Webcor - we looked damn good too!!

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