Saturday, November 29, 2008

Hellyer Velodrome Track Clinic - Nov. 29, 2008

RFA and I went to the novice clinic at the Hellyer Velodrome in San Jose, CA this morning. Right now, it is the only way to get some practice on the track. Like everything else, it takes time and practice to develop and gain confidence with the basic skills. This morning's session was run by Alto Velo's Mark Rodamaker, our friend and world champion. Each supervisor is different. Mark runs the clinic more like an open track session. We did a 30 lap warm-up, followed by 4 - 100 meter jumps, 6-lap team time trial drills (2), and open track. Mark McC. was there, but not Pam. Our TTT was comprised of RFA, Mark McC, James Plummer (35 year old Cat 3 road racer), and me. It was a good effort. After the drills, Mark offered some bike fitting advice so that I am not so low. We turned the stem which brought me up a few millimeters. Funny, I don't mind being low - it almost feels natural, but I understand that the pursuit position is different from the scratch/points race position. I named my Cervelo P3C track bike - her name is Red Rose - Rose for short. The reason? - the color, my mother, and like the roses for the Kenticky Derby winner, she is a winning bike!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

A Tradition is Born

Last Thanksgiving, RFA and I did the low key hill climb (LKHC) up Mount Hamilton. We put the turkey breast in the crock pot and enjoyed a nice quiet Thanksgiving dinner. So today was our second annual Thanksgiving Mount Hamilton hill climb. We got everything organized the night before and got up at 6:15 AM. The temp was about 55 and the streets were still damp from yesterday's rain. Turkey in the crock pot and off we went. We got to the start about 8:30 or so. I got recruited to ride for the team "Sisters of No Mercy" - super strong team with Janet and Jennie, so why not? Many WebCor folks. There were over a hundred riders - most for the LKHC, but some just riding (either don't want to pay the $10, but more likely, don't want their times publicly posted!) I tried to warm up some but that was pretty much in vain - too chilly on the descents - so I rode a bit on the back streets but really no warm up. We put our warm gear in the "sag wagon" for the trip back down. Mount Hamilton can be viewed as three climbs totalling 18.4 miles, 4343 feet. The first climb is 5.90 mi, 1514 ft (4.86%); climb 2: 3.20 mi, 770 ft (4.56%); and climb 3: 6.60 mi, 2060 ft (5.91%). I started out at a sane pace and then was able to pick it up when I warmed up after about 12 minutes. Marco and Ruth were there on their Santana tandem; I passed them and then they passed me - I passed them and they took off on the down hill section. I finally caught them on the last 5 miles where the grade got steeper. I eased up some mid way and popped a PowerBar gel - double latte with caffeine at 40 minutes. I never eat much on a ride and I think that is why I tend to literally run out of gas during the races. I am finally getting smart. I kicked it up on the last 5 miles and passed a lot of people. There was little to no wind, we rode through some fog and then were in blissful sunshine above the clouds. It was awesome. I "sprinted" up the wall to the observatory and finished in 1:45:50 (6/12 women). Last year my time was 1:53:16 (8/17 of the women) so demonstrated improvement. Still waiting for the official results and placement to be posted. RFA finished at 1:50:21 (96/112 men) - big improvement over his time last year of 2:01:40. The descent was chilly but we were prepared with thermal jacket, headband, booties, leg warmers. We drove straight to Equinox for a steam, shower, stretching and foam rollers. Thanksgiving dinner was great, especially the 2002 M. Coz (Consentino) wine.
(Photos by jhadley)

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving! Despite the turmoil in the world and the state of the current economy, we have a lot to be thankful for - perhaps on the top of my list this years is the fact we have President-Elect Barack Obama - and we don't have Vice-President Elect Sarah Palin. I am optimistic that this will be a better world with Barack. The rest of my list? I am thankful for RFA and his love and our special relationship, my good health, that I get to go to work everyday at Genentech - inspired, for the cherished memories of my deceased parents, my sister (even though I haven't seen her in years - she is my family and friend), and for the beauty of nature. I am thankful that I have a passion for cycling - it is part of who I am. Perhaps on every ride I experience a moment that captures "life" - the way the sunlight hits the redwood on OLH, or the vista of the bay on a descent down 84 - I am thankful that I am on my bike - this is life.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

"Double Treat" Training Ride - Nov. 23, 2008

Today was a "first" - a Russian training ride with 2 times up Old La Honda (OLH). It was 44 degrees when we woke up at 7 AM. Fortunately, we started at 10 AM so we wouldn't be breathing cold air on the climb. It warmed up quickly and by the end of the ride the temp was in the mid0high 60's. RFA and parked at Canada & Edgewood so we had a prelude to the warm-up. On Mountain Home, the strong riders (including me and RFA) picked up the pace and broke away. Dmitrij commented that we rode the last 2 miles fast. I peeled off my vest and arm warmers and headed up OLH. I was working about 90% and feeling pretty good - I kept looking back but no one was in sight. Dmitrij's van passed slowly and Vladimir was in the back with the hatch back open shooting photographs. That was great, but for the gas fumes, and the van was going too slow. I passed and told Dmitrij that I lost 15 seconds off my time - he said "Good job - don't go too hard." I eased up a bit and got to the summit about a minute off my best time. No one passed me - the Safeway guy finished not too far behind me and immediately went back down. I stopped to drink some water and shot a PowerBar gel - my first ever - I figured I needed a boost of energy for the OLH repeat. It was pretty chilly on the way down, but otherwise not too bad. The hill actually seemed longer on the way down. I saw RFA climbing up on my way down - he was looking good. Not so with some of my other team mates. I got down to the bottom and started up again - this time I was about 80% effort and could almost enjoy it - no pressure. The legs felt pretty good - E. passed me near the top and I let him go. On the way back down the second time, I saw Dmitirij in the van and he said that he would wait for everyone at the bottom. I was concerned when I didn't see RFA (or anyone else) coming up the second time. Thought we might have missed each other somehow and he was going down 84 like we talked about. Turns out Dmitrij told the others (everyone but E., Matt and me) to only go up half way the second time. We regrouped and Dmitirij had us do team time trial drills for 20 miles on Canada. It was a blast. Not sure what happened to the weaker folks - I think that Dmitrij dismissed them after OLH. It was funny - while TT'ing I got several comments about my legs - one of the girls said - "Your calves are huge. I am intimidated." Matt said they were awesome and that E. was intimidated." I'll take all that as compliments. What else can I do . . . . can't change them. Same workout for the next two Sundays. We stopped for coffee at Starbuck's on the way home - 'tho I felt buzzed from the Powerbar gel or maybe simply euphoric. Took a long recovery nap in the afternoon and went to Equinox for situps, stretching & rolling on the foam roller. Glad tomorrow is a recovery day.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

RFA's Planet X

Rich finally got his Planet X bike this week. It is a full carbon frame - he bought the frame on-line from the UK and order the components from our LBS. It is a beauty! RFA rode the bike at the track this morning and he was happy with its performance. Our friend Mark McC. also bought a Planet X - both made their debut at the track today.

National Championship Photo Shoot - Nov. 15, 2008

A photo shoot was organized for the local National Track Championships today after the clinic and before the "Ride the World Cup" races. It was great to don the Natz Jersey for my 2K pursuit win and share the spotlight with my fellow mates. Mark R. was there with his World Championship jersey and TNTC medals - awesome - same for Larry Nolan. The Webcor AV champs then got together for a photo - too bad Leo wasn't there.

Hellyer Velodrome Track Clinic - Nov. 15, 2008

RFA and I went to the clinic at Hellyer Velodrome, San Jose, CA this morning. Pam was sick and Mark McC. was out of town so they were "no-shows." Kris was there - her last time since she is heading back to Houston following her internship here in Silicon Valley. Rich still didn't have his Planet X, so he had to rent a track bike. Today's session was led by Richard - a Scotsman - and we only had a group of about 15. This was a great clinic - we did some team pursuits, timed flying start 200s (my time sucked - disappointing - practice, practice, practice!) and an Australian pursuit. This time the Australian pursuit had some logic to it as to the positioning. It was an intense effort - approximately 4 minutes of max heart rate - up to 34 mph - me and two guys left and then I got passed and I was out. It was a blast!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Velodrome Clinic - November 8, 2008

Last Saturday, RFA and I planned on going to the clinic at Hellyer Velodrome (San Jose, CA) but got rained out. The forecast for this Saturday went from good to bad to hopeful - partly cloudy in the morning with rain moving in for the afternoon, and the weather cooperated for a morning at the track. I was really excited and looking forward to riding my my new Cervelo P3C track bike and working on my track skills. I subsequently adjusted my Cervelo P3C track bike after this photo was taken so that it now meets the UCI requirements - changed out the saddle and moved it back so that the nose of the saddle is now at least 5 cm behind a vertical line drawn up through the center of the carnk axle. RFA ordered a Planet X carbon track bike from the UK, but due to an ordering snafu (they shipped a TT bike instead), he didn't receive it yet and had to rent a bike at the track. Our friends Mark McC, Pam and Kris were there. This clinic was lead by none other than Shelley Olds who just had a good finish in the Manchester World's Cup. I was surprised that she is so tiny! We started out with a 40 lap warmup, followed by a series of drills, including some individual 200 meter flying starts, team pursuit, a bumping exercise and an Australian pursuit. Today's new experience was hanging on the rail as a starting position - a little unnerving at first. Pam had some carbon knuckle cycling gloves - may have to get a pair!! They look gnarly. For the Australian pursuit, we each lined up on the rail separated by a light post. On the whistle, we dropped down to the poll lane and if you got passed you are out. It was down to 4 people and then I got passed by a guy. Boo! The clinic a couple weeks ago was led by our Webcor teammate Mark R. who just returned from the World's Masters Track Championships in Sydney, Australia with another gold medal (this one in a scratch race). Mark selected Pam, RFA and myself to demo a team pursuit with him. It was totally cool and totally Webcor - we looked damn good too!!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Mallorca Trip - Day 11, October 18, 2008

Up too early (4:15 AM!), last minute packing and coffee before getting on the bus at 5 AM to go to the airport for our 8 AM flight. About a one hour drive. We arrive at 6 AM but no Larry who was to meet us with the bike boxes. Seems some miscommunication between the McCreadys and Larry (who was there!) so it al turned out OK after hanging around (nervously) for 20 minutes. Checking the bike with Iberia went smoothly - although this time we had to pay about 50 Euros. Flight to Palma left on time. Had a Starbucks in the Madrid airport and bought some fun cubic zirconia studs at the duty free shop. Flight from Madrid to Miami on time as well! We cleared customs in Miami and had a LONG layover (about 4 1/2 hours) - now I was feeling almost sick tired. The saving grace was that we flew business class and we got also got to take a shower and change clothes at the Admirals Club. I slept most of the way to San Francisco. Les picked us up at the airport. It felt good to sleep in my own bed. The trip was perfecto! I will cherish the memories. The next morning Rich and I went on a short 18 mile ride on SINGLES - I don't want to see the tandem for a while.

Mallorca Trip - Day 10, October 17, 2008

Today's 35 mile ride covered some interesting sites. First, we did a short climb to a fortress (and a cappuchino stop!) and a 3km climb to a summit with spectacular views. We passed a shepherd and his dog herding his sheep. Then off to Coves d'Arta for a tour of a fascinating cavern. Smiley and Karen tried to shoot past us on the way to the cave, but Rich and I went into turbocharge and blew them away - fun! After the cave tour, we had a late lunch at an old castle (starving!). Time to dissemble the tandems - not my favorite part of the trip! We had our final dinner at the hotel.

Mallorca Trip - Day 9, October 16, 2008

Another transition and island-crossing day across a windmill strewn plain, through some remote canyons, and along a resort pine coast. We stopped at Majorica's pearl factory and outlet where I found a lovely "hip" pendant - a black cord with silver noose and one single large pearl . Lunch was an awful pizza at a bar in town next to the pearl factory. The ride along the coast (Costa Dels Pins - Coast of Pines) was lovely and we were happy to see the Eurotel after 55 miles of cycling. Another lovely hotel with beautiful grounds. Lovely sunset at 7 PM. We had a buffet dinner at the hotel and I tried some red sea scorpion.

Mallorca Trip - Day 8, October 15, 2008

Today's ride out to Cape Formentor was the highlight of the trip for us! The climb over the summit to Formenter junction was challenging and we pushed a good pace, stopping for a photo op along the way. From the junction (beach and ferry port) we continued up the 12km climb along Devil's Tail to the lighthouse. This was an amzing ride we will never forget - craggy mountains and cliffs with no barriers. (The dark tunnel was a little scary!) It was an ah - ha moment when we turned the corner and saw the lighthouse. Certainly worth the climb! We took the ferry back from the junction to Port Pollenca and then rode back to the hotel. Total mielage for the day was 40 miles with lots of climbing. We enjoyed a late lunch (veal salad) with Bobbi and Mark on the beach patio. I took a short nap in the afternoon and did a weight work out and sauna. Buffet dinner at the hotel.

Mallorca Trip - Day 7, October 14, 2008

Today was a transition day - checking out of the Valparaiso Palace in Palma and crossing the island to the northeast corner of the island to Alcudia Bay. Our 55 mile route took us along lovely rural roads with stone walls on either side - rolling terrain with no real climbs. We stopped at the Kollflex leather factory and outlet where I found a funky leather calf hair belt with a silver buckle. The outlet also had a cappuchino bar! We stopped in Pollenca for lunch - looking for pizza - but the shop was closed. Instead we had lunch at a sandwich bar with an outdoor terrace - I stopped in at a grocery store and bought some turkey, a nectarine and plain yogurt. Our hotel for the next few days was the Parc Naturelle - owned by the same Gruphotel as the Valparaiso - another 5 star, very modern and beuatiful grounds. The hotel was situated on the water with its own beach. We had a nice side view of the water from our room. And the same fantastic spa facilities. I was tired and took a short nap before dinner at the hotel.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Mallorca Trip - Day 6, October 13, 2008

Today was a 40 mile recovery ride out to Port Andratx for lunch and back. We started the morning with wet roads but encountered only a light mist for a brief period. Never needed the rain gear but the rain booties kept our shoes dry and clean. By lunch time the sun was shining! We stopped with the group at Es Capdella for cappuchino. We had lunch at a seafood restaurant Barlovento next to the yacht club and dined in an open air covered patio - watched the divers haul in their catch. Rich and I passed on the seafood (paella, nicoise, sardines) and had a disappointing salad & oversalted ravioli - Rich liked the sangria. It was late and long lunch. There was a climb back and then we had another flat tire - fortunately it was in a village and a convenient spot. We followed the McCreadys back - got lost and hated the MUPS! It was good thing that we were all in the "recovery ride" mode - otherwise this would have been a very frustrating day of cycling. We got back to the hotel late and decided to pass on the group activities (tour of Palma and tapas bar). We hit the sauna instead and headed into town on our own. This was a holiday so our little French restaurant was closed. We went back to the same Italian wine bar and enjoyed salad, caprese and a great bottle of Spanish wine.