Saturday, July 11, 2009

NCNCA State Masters Track Championship, July 11-12, 2009

I was so thrilled to participate in the State Masters Track Championship at Hellyer Velodrome given my recovery over the past 7 weeks. Here is a summary of my experience and results and the same for Rich.

MEA's Report:

2K Pursuit
1st of 2

500 M TT
2nd of 2

It was great to be back racing at the track! I was thrilled just to be able to participate only 55 days since my nasty crash at Hellyer. I resumed cycling on the road 3 weeks ago and went back to the track on June 30 for a practice session. It was frustrating that after a practice 2K pursuit I pretty much died after 5 laps. Another practice session and Beat the Clock last Sunday – each time feeling better. Like Rich, this was my first NCNCA Masters State Track Championship. I got introduced to the track last year at Beat the Clock on my road TT bike. That led to competing in Natz a couple weeks later and continuing with track workouts and racing.2K pursuit (3:06.0)Only one other competitor (Donna Woods) in my age group. At Natz last year, Donna was recovering from an injury and I beat her by 24 seconds (2:59 v. 3:23). This year I was told that she was ready to trounce. She had a decent 2K at BTC so I knew that, given my set back, it could go either way. I felt good and was able to accelerate on the last laps – I actually felt I could have pushed harder. Everyone kept saying that it was very close (and one report that she just beat me) so I was ready to accept defeat. To say the least, I was thrilled when I learned I beat her by 0.2 seconds. Still 7 seconds off of last year's time, but I am convinced that in a couple more weeks I will be back in form. This really gave me a lot of encouragement.500 MWe don't even need to discuss this. My dismal time was the same as last year – I swear I have one fast twitch fiber in each leg. Can't get the acceleration at the start and the very beginning, but then I take off when others fade – doesn't work in the 500 M. That said, it was still fun.It was a great weekend and impressive to see so many great Webcor track champions.

Rich's Report
Individual Pursuit 2K
1st of 2
Time: 2:56:27I

Individual 500 M Time Trial
3rd of 4
Time: 42.4

Team Pursuit 3K
1st of 2
Team: Rich Allen, John Elgart, Mark Rodamaker, John Diamont

This was my first time participating in the NCNCA Masters State Track Champions ( Districts) since I started track racing last September. I had a great time racing and socializing. Warren and the volunteers did a superb job of organizing and running the event. The best part of the weekend was watching Mary Ellen race after her terrible crash at Hellyer a few weeks ago.I had been practicing 2K pursuits at the track and simulated pursuits on the rollers. At Beat the Clock last week, I did a 2:51.6 with which I was very happy leading into the Districts. My time was slower on Saturday but fast enough to win. One thing that was very different on Saturday from BtC was the wind. I started on the home stretch. When I came out of turn one, I hit the wind. When I prepared to sit down, my cadence / speed were too low (from previous practice races). Being mindful of not overcooking the first couple of laps, I held the speed and backed off a little on the second lap. I accelerated on laps 4, 5 and 6 with lap 6 being my fastest lap. I felt too good at the end.On Sunday, I did the 500 meter TT. I have been working on my sprinting but I am not a sprinter per se. However, I do like doing the 500. This year, I did the 500 in the sprint bars versus the pursuit TT bars. I like the start much better using the sprint bars and I have much better control in the turns being able to ride the black line.While my teammates in the team pursuit were racing in the points races and team sprints, I was hanging out under the tents having a nice afternoon socializing, watching the races and psyching up for the team pursuit. Our plan was for Mark and John E. to take full lap pulls with John D and me taking half lap pulls. The start went perfectly as well as the race. The nine laps seemed to go fast and it was a blast.

Beat the Clock Day at the Track, July 5, 2009

Last year this was the event that introduced me to the track. It is a special event that allows road bike to compete on the track and I competed in my time trial bike. The road bikes compete against road bikes and the track bikes compete against track bikes. Of course this year I raced with my Cervelo P3C track bike and it was my first real event on the track since my serious crash on May 17. Fortunately earlier in the week I was able to participate in two advanced track sessions for some practice. I only did the 2K pursuit and was paired with a team mate who I passed on the last lap. Unfortunately I went up to the stayer's line a bit early to pass and then went back down to the pole lane and then passed. Lost a few seconds and ended with a 3:12 -compared to last year's Natz championship of 2:59 pretty dismal, but I was just thrilled to be able to race again. Also, I felt much stronger than my training session earlier in the week. A good work out for next week's NCNCA masters state championship. RFA had a great performance of 42.20 seconds on the 500 meter and 2:51.60 on the 2K - stellar performance.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Post-crash Update

It has been a while since I posted on my blog! On May 17, 2009, I had a serious crash on my track bike while racing at the Hellyer velodrome in a women's scratch race. I was very, very lucky and have no permanent brain injury. I have been in recovery mode and was back on the road cycling 3 weeks later. Yesterday I went back to the track for the first time since the crash with RFA and my coach Dmitriy for an advanced session. The state track championships are at Hellyer in less than 2 weeks and I would like to participate. I did some practice 2K pursuits and my time is about 10% slower. Part of that is lack of endurance at fast pace, still trying to get my hemoglobin back up, and final recovery from a 4 week chest cold. And, of course, yesterday was not a championship event. Dmitriy was encouraging and I will stay focused and positive!