Sunday, May 17, 2009

Match Sprint Tournament - May 16, 2009

Today is RFA's BIG birthday - what better way to celebrate than race at the second match sprint tournament of the season at Hellyer. The promoters annnounced RFA's birthday and we all sang H.B. to him. It was a HOT afternoon - literally. Temps were close to 100 degrees - good thing the efforts were short and we could then retreat to the shade under the tents and drinkk fluids. It was a small group of about 16 men and women (including one junior). We started off with the flying 200 meter time trial for seeding purposes. My flying 200 time stunk and I was in the third group. RFA had a stellar time (13:24) and he was the fastest in group 2. I won my first match sprint against the Roaring Mouse woman (I started the sprint early and turned it into more of a pursuit - playing to my strengths). I won my second match sprint against the junior who tried to block me up against the rail. The third sprint was against a young man who was able to follow on my wheel and passed me by half of my front wheel. Round 4 I won by passing the 2 women. RFA was able to win one of his sprints.

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