Sunday, May 10, 2009

Berkeley Hills Road Race, May 10, 2009

Category: W4
Place: 15
Field: 49
Course: 33 miles (1.7 laps)
19 mile lap includes the infamous Mama Bear, Papa Bear and Baby Bear climbs.

This is a tough race and I was looking forward to it. The W4 category was full with a waiting list. I know this course well since it is the same course as the Berkeley Hills Team Time Trial. It was perfect weather for racing - mid-60's and sunny. I had a slightly rocky start pre-race: I realized on the drive to the race that I had forgotten my Webcor jersey (I threw my Webcor jacket over my base layer & simply forgot!) Maybe it is because we got up at 5:15 AM - but it seems no matter how much planning, you are bound to forget something. Fortunately, we made a U-turn only 4 miles out and went home to retrieve my jersey. I still had plenty of time for warm up. It also helped that I had a full-time bike slave. We started with a promenade up the climb from the boat docks to San Pablo Road. I led out the first leg at a comfortable pace - served as a warm up and avoided any potential crashes. We probably lost a few people on the rollers after the first right turn but for the most part the group stuck together until we hit Mama Bear and Papa Bear. I was about 2 bike lengths behind at the top of Papa Bear on the first lap was easily caught the lead group for the big descent. I was now part of the lead group of 14. We were neutralized while a men's group went by -unfortunately, that gave the chase group time to join us. Tempo pace until the last climb up Mama Bear and Papa Bear - I fell off near the top of Mama Bear (about 1 mile to go) and just pushed as hard as I could up Papa Bear - just not much left. Finished 15/49 - just OK but I was happy with my performance.

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