Sunday, October 25, 2009

Soda Springs Low Key Hill Climb - Oct. 24, 2009

Photos: RFA and MEA at registration, MEA finish line, RFA finish, the start (RFA in the peleton)

Week #4 is the low key hill climb series -Soda Springs! Soda Springs is a new climb for RFA and me - out past Los Gatos near the Lexington Reservoir. 5.35 miles, 2368 ft., average 8.4% grade. It was another perfect morning for climbing - sunny and mid-sixties. It was a tough but challenging climb - I could see my power falling 10 watts off my threshold power the last 0.5 mile. Good thing I was able to push near the finish because I was surprised to learn their were several women just seconds behind me! I finished second out of a field of 20 women at 42:53. There was a total of 118 racers. RFA finished 89 out of 98 men at 47:48. Our team, Sisters (and Misters) of No Mercy finished 5th (out of 33 teams) and is now in third place.

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