Sunday, April 12, 2009

Ed Steffani Memorial Gran Prix, April 11, 2009

Our results:
Grandma's Wheelbarrow Race (flying 1 lap):
RFA: 24.4 (1st in 50+ category)
MEA: 26.5 (2nd in Women's)
One Mile Scratch Race:
RFA - 5th
Cat 5 Point-A-Lap
RFA: 4th
Lotto Race:
RFA: 4th
Australian Pursuit:
MEA 3rd out of 11
Overall Omnium:
MEA: 1st Woman/2nd 50+
RFA: 1st 50+
RFA and I raced in the Ed Steffani Memorial Gran Prix at the Hellyer Velodrome, San Jose, CA on Saturday, April 11, 2009. It was a full afternoon of racing and a beautiful day. There were about 17 racers including 3 women (me, my team mate Pam and a junior). We needed six women in order to have our own category, so we competed in the men's category. Oh well, makes you tough! We started out with the Grandma's Wheelbarrow Race which turned out to be a flying 1 lap time trial. I did a 26.5; my team mate Pam had a 25.89, and RFA did a 24.4. Practice, practice, practice. The fastest time was a 22.01. We then did a 3 lap (1 km) scratch race heat and RFA advanced to the finals. Followed by a 5 lap scratch race. At least I finished with the front pack! RFA did a special Point-a-Lap (10 lap) race for the Cat 5s - he said it was brutal. We both did the 25 lap Lotto Race - this is a points race where you don't know when the points lap will be until the bell rings. They can come at any interval - we had 4 points laps in a row! Many racers pulled out at that point. I hung in there and finished with the top 6 - but didn't accumulate any points! RFA got some points. It was a great workout! The fnale was the Australian pursuit! RFA sat this one out. We had seeded positions and I finished third. It was a blast! The officials were still calculating the omnium points when we left - results to follow. This was another first for RFA and me - our first official mass start races. I may never be a sprinter but the workouts are great and will complement my road cycling.

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