Friday, December 25, 2009

SportVelo Turkey Training Camp - Nov. 28-29, 2009

RFA and I participated in the SportVelo Turkey Training Camp on Sat. and Sun., Nov. 28-29, 2009. The camp started on Friday, but after the hard long race up Mt. Hamilton for the low key hill climb on Thanksgiving Day, we opted to do an easy one hour high cadence session on the trainer on Friday, and start the camp on Sat. Turns out that was all for the better because it was rainy on Friday. We were lucky that the weather was beautiful over the weekend. We all met at Coach Dan's home and started from there - warm-up and then a long climb up Page Mill - that was awful - my legs weren't recovered to handle the surges up the grades of 15% plus. We had a great paceline with Dan out to San Gregorio. I felt much better on the climb up Tunitas. Total: 53 miles; 5485 ft climbing; 3:49. Back to Coach Dan's house for a shower, grilled salmon for lunch, 1/2 hour massage and lecture by Rene from Agile PT on cycling and physiology. Great day with my cycling friends. And Andi is a great hostess. Sunday's schedule was 3 repeats up Old La Honda; however, I had to get ready for my business trip to Switzerland the next day, so we did an abbreviated ride - 1 OLH climb; 33 miles; 2755 ft climbing; 2:11.

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