Saturday, January 31, 2009

Deer Valley Ski Trip - Jan. 30, 2009

This was a busy week at work. I had a deadline for an article for Health Lawyer News, presenting and chairing our Development Law Diagnostics Day - on top of my regular workload and trying to get out of the office for vacation. I am definitely ready for vacation. Our Southwest flight from Oakland to Salt Lake City was late morning so that eased the pressure. We were able to complete the majority of the packing the night before - although I did miss my cycling workout. The drive to the airport was smooth. It was nice having free wifii available while waiting for the flight. There was no line at the SW curbside check-in, short security line, and no line at Starbucks - the only upside of the recession. We both held "A" boarding passes and were able to get the 2 seats at the exit row. Flight left on time, and all of our baggage made it to SLC. We had to wait a bit for the Suburu Outback at Hertz Gold check in but all worked out. Hit Costco and checked into the Marriott Mountainside with a nice view of the mountain. Did a short workout at the gym and went to bed - no alarms set - we'll get up when we get up. Eager to hit the slopes but we have all week.

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