Monday, October 27, 2008

Mallorca Trip - Day 5, October 12, 2008

Today's ride was a highlight of the trip! 55 miles including the epic climb up Col de Soller with dozens of switchbacks. We had a flat tire on the stretch out to Col de Soller. We climbed steady and strong and reached the top with plenty of energy. This is a classic climb where the pros start their racing season. The weather cooperated - overcast turning sunny. On the last Santana Mallorca tour, the Col de Soller got rained out and the group had to take a train - I would have been really bummed out. After the descent we had another climb to Deia - a beautiful village where we stopped for cappuchino (we were early for lunch). One of the steeper climbs, albeit short, was to the restaurant Son Marroig. It was next to an old monestery overlooking the ocean on a cliff. We enjoyed a nice buffet lunch with chicken, coucous, parma ham, bread and fruit. We continued to Valldemosa, another climb to Coll Claret and back to the hotel. The hotel has wonderful spa facilities which really felt good after the ride. The sauna area had all these different rooms - salt steam/sauna with tile chairs and new age lighting, traditional sauna, wonderful rain showers, foot baths with water pools of different temperatures. That evening we went into Palma with Bobbi and Mark and found a charming wine bar and enjoyed margherita pizza, caprese and salad - and of course, wine.

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