Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Webcor Rider of the Month

Last night was the monthly Alto Velo (AV) WebCor racing club meeting in Mountainview, CA. RFA and I met a team mate who is the track guru to get some advice on track bikes and components at a local cafe before the meeting and then walked over. The AV president awarded the race reimbursements and I received $74.00 for winning Esparto time trial and the National Masters Track 2K pursuit. Very cool. Every month a male and female "rider of the month" award is bestowed. And, yes, my "fairy tale" of winning the track National Championship with a sub-3 minute time on a borrowed track bike just two weeks after my first time on a Velodrome on a TT bike at Beat-the-Clock gained me the honor. And an honor it was! The AV WebCor racing club has over 400 members and many many extremely talented cyclists. This meant a lot to me to be acknowledged by my peers. I won a gift certificate for Voler leg warmers (I need them!), a case of PowerGels and a huge jar of electrolyte replacement powder.

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